
MOTOCROX International is a Research and Business Development Network which provides various modules as code, apps, booklets and research to help conduct research and design for large scale projects. Such projects may include engineering, technical or research initiatives. 



The collection of websites provide apps, booklets and various other modules developed using the logic of Kardashev Scale. The logic is developed using a high-level observation method. The Kardashev Scale logic works on a top-down approach to develop modules using mathematics, language and programming. These various modules are developed as interconnected building blocks which may be used together or separately in one or more than one ways to help design systems. One such system is a research system network provided on the website which may be utilized for research along with the apps provided on these sites. 


Some other connected websites provide workflows and documentations for business and socio-cultural studies. 

Utilization of Apps and Projects 

The apps may be downloaded from the websites and content may be utilized within the apps or as inputs to to the apps, The projects may be utilized for design of other projects using the modules or with other services, products like chatbots, software frameworks etc. using caution because of bleeding-edge nature of some research uploaded to the network. 

(Technical and Business Prospects) 

MOTOCROX International provides sets of apps, projects and services like Artificial Intelligence Research, Software Research and Marketing for development of projects and increasing cost-to-value margins. 


The project provides the following products and services: 

  1. Research: Research is provided as journal publications or research booklets which may be used to conduct research for specific or across domains. 
  2. Apps: Apps are provided as published on App Stores or Versioned Archives for help in various domains of design and development. 
  3. Code Archives: Code Archives are provided to help develop other software along with the apps/research. 
  4. Theming and Art: Themes and Art are provided for utilization for functionalities of apps and to supplement the research. 
  5. Software Designs: Software Designs are provided to help with research or as development toolkits for products. 
  6. Marketing: Some content and sites are monetized for ads to help with the project funding and industrial reach. Some content may be paid for the same reason. 


The apps, website and contents are developed to help with the industrial research and design while some contents, apps on sites may need constant updating to help with the technical and business demands. The industrial reach and marketing may help gain work contracts while the content monetization might provide the funds to help keep the project in running state. The contents may also be used for data analysis for further study and research.